Coming up the stairs towards the back of the business mall proper just off the Pearl Lane, you find yourself in a dimly lit corridor with a pair of office doors off to one side. One is the city coroner’s office and morgue, and the other is Phil’s Taxidermy, running a buy-one-get-one-free promotion on a sign outside. Before you have the chance to judge the unfortunate location of the business, you hear voices coming from inside the coroner’s office.“...ciate it if this whole affair could disappear,” says one deep, gruff voice. Another, more casual and upbeat, responds: “Oh, of course! I can bury’t for you if y’like, though my office helps a lot more if we get a donation f’special orders.” The gruff voice seems to consider for a moment, pointedly ignoring the pun, before giving annoyed approval. “Very well, undertaker. I shall ensure a bank note finds its way into your hands for this unfortunate… trouble,” he said. The door suddenly opens and a gruff armored man pauses, eying you in the hall disdainfully for a brief moment. He snorts and says nothing, before he withdraws back the way you had come, leaving the office door ajar.On the other side of the open door is a sterile office environment, and a bearded man with glasses in the center of the room perks up on spotting you. “Ah- hello! Another lively one. People’re usually dyin’ to meet me,” he quips with a stupid smile. You pause at the threshold, and half wonder if people truly die before meeting the city’s mortician.
Coroner's Office: Goblet (balmung), Sultana's Breath subdiv, ward 2, apt 37
closed mondays and tuesdays
Race | Miqo'te Keeper | Height | 5 fulms, 11 ilms |
Age | 43 | Weight | 208 ponz |
Eyes | Blue | Hair | Black w/ Greying |
Alignment | Lawful Neutral | Nationality | Limsan |
Sexuality | Heterosexual | Romanceable | No (mated) |
Born to a tribe of Miqo'te living in La Noscea, Cana'to was the second son in his family of six, and spent his early years as one might expect with his parents and siblings. When he came of age, he left the tribe in order to travel to Limsa Lominsa, where his childlike wonder swiftly met reality. Without any coin or skills to make a living, he was ultimately forced into the Maelstrom as a new recruit.Serving a 5 year tour of duty, Cana'to proved himself a steady learner and picked up enough in the way of swordsmanship to keep himself alive, even in the thick of beast tribe skirmishes and numerous altercations with Garlemald. By the end of his tour, however, he had seen enough suffering and death to turn his childlike optimism into pragmatic realism. Watching someone die no longer seemed to bother the young man.After his discharge, he worked briefly as a roadside mercenary and caravan guard before eventually finding more steady work as a mortician's apprentice in Ul'dah. With life in Eorzea so short and fleeting, he found his services in almost constant need and the pay higher than expected, considering so few were willing to do the work.After the death of his mentor due to old age, Cana'to has continued to operate the morgue with grim determination. Although solitary at work, he managed to find enough reasons to roam and connect with others that he was eventually offered a part-time position with the Brass Blades as a coroner. While the position doesn't demand much of him, it helps spice up his life when the occasional murder victim comes to his doorstep.
These are just ideas, and can be edited and adjusted however you'd like!
Junk Magnet - You find yourself inside a pawn shop near the Pearl Lane. A new shipment of inventory- a rather broad selection of seemingly random goods- arrives, and a small relic that appears to be magical in origin catches your eye. Curious, you inquire as to where it came from, and the shopkeeper tells you it came from the city morgue. Do you investigate further on the relic's origins?
Veteran Swordsman - You're on the search to find a martial combat instructor. Unfortunately, most of the mentors you've seen either have students already, or are too busy. Consulting a Brass Blade lieutenant, you're told that the city's coroner is a retired Maelstrom soldier who occasionally takes on students. Presently, he has a single pupil.
Murder, He Wrote - Someone close to you ended up dead, and unfortunately, the local law enforcement was quick to dismiss the case rather than investigate. With the law unwilling to help, you decide to do some digging yourself... which leads you to the city coroner's office. You've heard that the coroner that works there keeps extensive mortuary records that might shed some light on this cold case.
Undertaker in the Underworld - You're on the run from the law after a job went wrong, and someone ended up dead. For now, you've eluded pursuit, but there are likely to be charges made against you, so you have opted to visit a speakeasy to find someone to help. While there, you learn that the city coroner can occasionally be contracted to effectively erase someone's death... for the right price.
Haunted? - Your aetheric sensitivity or shamanistic roots give you an otherworldly connection to the supernatural. A visit to the Pearl Lane, however, draws your attention towards a business park and, ultimately, to the city coroner's office. There, you discover the lingering remains of a spiritual hotbed, where restless spirits once gathered. The remaining stagnant aether, however, makes the skin crawl...
Bottom of the Budget - Ul'dah city council meetings are open to the public, and you opt to observe one day. Most of the discussions are fairly banal, but one fellow- the city coroner- is aggressively lobbying for more funding for his office. Unfortunately, the rest of the council doesn't seem inclined to spend any more gil on what they consider a dead end.
The Dark Side - You are a Dark Knight and skilled in the manipulation of emotionally charged aether. Out in the Lavender Beds, you notice a man kneeling on the ground beside a house, deep in meditation, but you immediately recognize what he's doing. While his skill is a little rough, he's clearly practicing his emotional control. As you watch, his control falters for a moment. Perhaps he could benefit from some advice?
Retiring Director [NPC] - While browsing through job postings, you notice that the Ul'dah city council is apparently looking for a replacement funeral director. Bill, the current director, is looking to retire.
An (Un)fortunate Location [NPC] - After a successful hunt, you decide to visit the local taxidermy, owned by a man named Phil. Oddly enough, his business is located next door to the city coroner's office and morgue... a fact that Phil takes advantage of. Today, he has an advert outside of his business that reads, 'Not ready to say goodbye to uncle Ben? You don't have to!'
My characters are chiefly designed to front my passion for telling stories as a Dungeon Master. I enjoy helping others develop their own characters, world building, and breathing life and immersion into the setting. I’ve always found it to be a little forced and awkward to run an event for my own character’s development. But for me, there always needs to be something “going on,” which creates a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t type situation.
To this end, Cana’to and Belaruse are a yin-yang of characters in constant conflict with each other, and other characters can participate in that conflict without directly entering a PvP situation with another character. This conflict is a root node for forking out more character-centric storylines, but even this conflict tree isn’t the only storyline I am operating. More than anything else, I operate under the premise of a singular canon and continuity between all of the storylines I write, and oftentimes, unrelated events have a tangential impact on one another.That said, thematically, my storylines are fairly mundane, low-power affairs. You won't find any end-of-the-world stories here, and impact to the game lore itself is kept fairly minimal in order to maximize cross-compatibility. Hence, your character can talk about these events with other characters who might not be involved at all.I primarily freelance DM for small groups, but also enjoy DMing for solo players. Although my main campaigns have a hard population limit, I welcome and embrace supporting characters who can play more tangential roles. Being a Dungeon Master is my true passion and there's never any requirement that my characters be involved in events (generally I will leave my characters out if viable). I also operate a Discord that is open to any characters who participate in any of my storylines, and this is one way to meet other characters organically.If you're just looking for an adventure, feel free to inquire! Typically, I will try to cater the themes of storylines to the preferences of the players involved. Regardless of if you want something lighthearted, mature, outright dark, or virtually anything else, I can easily accommodate!All that being said, I don’t DM for guilds or premade groups. Since I prefer to write character-centric storylines, I avoid one-size-fits-all storytelling that is more typical of these groups, and I prefer to pick my players rather than having them chosen for me. There’s just a limit to how many people I can DM for at once, and because each individual is important, I prefer to focus on players who show an active interest and investment rather than a laissez-faire attitude.
These storylines are constantly evolving and character involvement- even independent- can impact other characters secondhand. Anyone is welcome to dip into these and influence the outcomes!I will try to keep this list fairly updated, depending on how storylines progress and as new ones are triggered or introduced.
A string of mercenary deaths with a common MO have sprung up recently, and the city coroner has flagged the incidents as suspicious. One mercenary has escaped the fate her peers suffered, and is hiding somewhere within Ghimlyt Dark. Adventurers are currently attempting to locate her within the Dark.
Due to a lack of city budget, the office is looking for alternative ways to get funding. After several adventurers pulled together information about the various council member's operations, Cana'to is planning his next move.
The Ul'dah City Council- responsible for allocating city budget needs- is deep in the pocket of the Syndicate. Members belong to a number of rival factions, although presently, the mercantile faction holds the most power.
An abandoned basement has been discovered underneath the business park that the Coroner's Office is located within. Accessed through a furnace room in a maintenance area, the passage leads into a subterranean lair that predates the business park.
There are rumors of a new shadowy organization on the rise. Some adventurers have found themselves- wittingly or otherwise- under its employ, while others are trying to learn more about the organization and its ends.
Discord @ Thunderbolt300#0807 (all day, friend requests welcome)
Hydaelyn Roleplayers @ Thunderbolt300 (semi-weekly)
M-F, 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM CST; Sat all day until ~5 PM CST; Sun all day.
RP in-game is preferred but I'm generally happy to do Discord RP as well; Crystal Datacenter only; CST timezone.Discord RP is only available during the day; I tend to prioritize in-game interactions when I'm home.
I will generally attempt to schedule in-game meetups and make a directed effort to show! If something changes, I will notify ASAP.
I can do Discord RP potentially at any time on any day, but my response time can vary depending on work.
Personal Preferences
Communication is critical, and I am happy to entertain feedback and constructive criticism. I will make adjustments depending on your own preferences. The aim is fun for everyone!
I am comfortable with all themes, including dark and adult themes, and like to get a good mix of everything (variety is the spice of life!). I don't have very many reservations. That said, I won't engage in any dark or adult themes with minors.
I'm generally a semi-paragraph roleplayer and I write in the style of a novel. It's tough for me to write anything less than 2-3 sentences, but rarely more than 2 chat buffers. I'm not picky with how you choose to write, though!
I am interested in most types of interactions and connections (slice-of-life, storyline arcs, antagonist, drinking buddies, etc.), although I place the most emphasis on long-term storyline connections. I'm happy to meet people and make new friends, although neither myself nor my character are interested in romance. Both are happily taken!
I prefer to keep the setting that my characters live within fairly mundane. This means having a focus on resource scarcity, delegating significant authority to NPCs, and protecting against long-term power creep.
Miscellaneous Info
I have about 20 years of RP experience, including extensive dungeon master experience (primarily 3.5 Forgotten Realms, NWN1, WoW, GW1, WildStar, TOR, and FFXIV). I'm willing to teach, discuss or RP with any experience level.
As a little bit about me, I'm a very chill dude in my mid-30's, I work as a wireless admin/engineer, I brew my own beer, and I enjoy hiking, travel, anime, writing, DIY projects, and, of course, heavy amounts of gaming!
Last updated: 06/09/2022